Born to perform: AKT is seeing 3.5X ROAS with automated Direct Mail

Born to perform: AKT is seeing 3.5X ROAS with automated Direct Mail

Multiple flows

Multiple flows

Multiple flows




How AKT use Paper Run's automated Direct Mail to boost growth

How AKT use Paper Run's automated Direct Mail to boost growth

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Who are AKT?

AKT (pronounced "act"), a leader in the active skincare market, offers products designed to keep up with active lifestyles while prioritizing sustainability. With a strong commitment to natural ingredients and eco-friendly practices, AKT has become a favorite among customers seeking high-performance, ethical skincare solutions.

Andy & Ed met performing together in a West End musical. Performing 8 shows a week under hot lights, in the same costumes night after night, there simply wasn’t a deodorant that made the cut. They decided to make a deodorant that was like them... Born To Perform.

Putting email opens under the Spotlight

AKT have automated email flows setup within Klaviyo. They communicate with customers, thanking them for their first order, winning back customers who haven't been back in a while and reminding them to recover abandoned carts. But AKT struggled with a high numbers of customers who weren't opening those emails. They were worried that their emails were ending up in Spam or Promotions tabs, and so turned to Paper Run for help.

AKT saw Paper Run's results with other market-leading brands like HEIGHTS , Spacegoods, Rejuiva. They wondered if Paper Run could help add a personal touch to their marketing communications…

Paper Run's grand entrance

By using Paper Run's Klaviyo integration - AKT were able to setup automated flows to send personalized Direct Mail to customers who they couldn't reach with their existing email or SMS flows.

Every day, Paper Run prints and delivers beautifully-designed, hyper-personalized mail for AKT; to customers who they couldn't reach with email and who had recently Lapsed, Cancelled a Subscription or Abandoned Checkout. They're also now using Paper Run to thank new customers with our "New Customer Post Purchase" flow.

Standing Ovation







Conversion rate

Conversion rate

Paper Run's automations are now one of AKT's highest performing marketing channels (and lowest maintenance). AKT have seen a 5.5% conversion rate, by delivering physical to customers who they otherwise couldn't reach. The result is >3.5X ROAS with automated flows that the AKT team simply check once a month.

This personalized approach not only brought customers back into the spotlight but also strengthened loyalty, with many customers becoming repeat purchasers.

"We've been blown away by the performance of Paper Run. Their team handles everything for us and are generating some of the best returns of any of our paid spend. We're looking forward to investing more in this channel with Paper Run."

"We've been blown away by the performance of Paper Run. Their team handles everything for us and are generating some of the best returns of any of our paid spend. We're looking forward to investing more in this channel with Paper Run."

Andy Coxon

Co-founder, AKT

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Automate Direct Mail to customers who you can't reach

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Automate Direct Mail to customers who you can't reach

Copyright © 2024 Paper Run. All Rights Reserved

Automate Direct Mail to customers who you can't reach

Copyright © 2024 Paper Run. All Rights Reserved