16X ROAS by winning back unreachable customers

16X ROAS by winning back unreachable customers

16X ROAS by winning back unreachable customers

16X ROAS by winning back unreachable customers













Healf is boosting its customer retention by reaching customers who don't open their emails

Healf is boosting its customer retention by reaching customers who don't open their emails

Healf is boosting its customer retention by reaching customers who don't open their emails

Healf is boosting its customer retention by reaching customers who don't open their emails

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Who is Healf?

Max and Lestat founded Healf to create the premier marketplace for wellness products, driven by their personal health journeys. Healf offers a curated selection of top-quality wellness products, helping tens of thousands of consumers improve their overall well-being.

Their mission encompasses a holistic approach to health, covering nutrition, fitness, mind, and sleep. Committed to promoting sustainable and effective wellness solutions, Healf partners with the best global well-being brands to ensure their customers have access to the finest products available. The Healf team is passionate about enhancing lives through better health choices.

Retention Remedy

Healf struggled to retain customers who didn't engage with their email campaigns. Traditional methods proved ineffective in reaching these customers, limiting their ability to boost customer retention.

Healf saw what Paper Run had done with other health-focused brands like Heights, helping to winback subscribers. They also saw how Paper Run had helped Presscription in converting abandoned carts using direct mail. They wanted to reach customers who were no longer engaging with email, to reconnect and promote healthy living.

Direct Mail for Healthier Engagement

By integrating Paper Run's automated direct mail solution, Healf set up triggers to send personalized physical mail to customers who were unreachable by email and SMS. Paper Run's one-click integration with Klaviyo helped Healf to launch quickly and easily. The strategy effectively targeted lapsed customers, re-engaging them with a personal touch.

The real-world, personalized approach successfully brought customers back to Healf, prompting them to restock on high-quality wellness products. Many of these reactivated customers have since made multiple purchases, demonstrating their renewed loyalty to Healf.

Wellness Win: 16X ROAS via Direct Mail













Conversion rate

Conversion rate

Conversion rate

Conversion rate

Healf's integration of Paper Run's direct mail solution achieved stellar results. The campaign delivered an impressive 16X ROAS and a remarkable 11.5% conversion rate. This personalized, tangible approach not only re-engaged lapsed customers but also restored their loyalty, resulting in multiple repeat purchases.

Healf’s direct mail strategy proved to be a powerful tool in boosting customer retention and driving revenue growth. They are now running multiple different flows, all automated through the Paper Run platform, looking to reengage customers who can't be reached via digital channels.

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Automate Direct Mail to customers who you can't reach

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Automate Direct Mail to customers who you can't reach

Copyright © 2024 Paper Run. All Rights Reserved

Automate Direct Mail to customers who you can't reach

Copyright © 2024 Paper Run. All Rights Reserved