Using A/B tests to prove out >6X incremental ROAS

Using A/B tests to prove out >6X incremental ROAS

Using A/B tests to prove out >6X incremental ROAS

Using A/B tests to prove out >6X incremental ROAS









Increase in

Increase in

Increase in

Increase in

Proper Cloth saw >6X incremental ROAS by leveraging Paper Run's A/B testing product

Proper Cloth saw >6X incremental ROAS by leveraging Paper Run's A/B testing product

Proper Cloth saw >6X incremental ROAS by leveraging Paper Run's A/B testing product

Proper Cloth saw >6X incremental ROAS by leveraging Paper Run's A/B testing product

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Who are Proper Cloth?

Founded in 2008 by Seph Skerritt, Proper Cloth is a pioneer and leader in quality custom-fit, made-to-order shirts, pants, jackets, and suits. Their unique approach uses prediction algorithms and 3D visualisation tools to give their customer a tailor made feel with ease. It has also led to them the becoming most successful made-to-measure e-commerce sites around. If you're in the market for the best fitting clothing possible - check them out (you will not be disappointed).

And in case you are wondering, the Paper Run team's official uniform will be tailored by Proper Cloth.

Figuring out a channel that suits

Proper Cloth leverage a suite traditional digital channels with their customers. Like many DTC brands, they know that the reach of these tools is limited (not everyone opens their emails or can be reached by paid social retargeting).

So Proper Cloth turned to Paper Run to test out how physical mail would perform in retaining the customers who otherwise couldn't be reached.

Measure twice, Mail once

The team at Proper Cloth wanted to understand the incrementalility of adding Direct Mail to their marketing channels. So, they leveraged Paper Run's integration into Klaviyo to identify their "Churned" and "Unreachable" customers. Using our A/B testing product they were able to split these customers into a Test and Control group and measure the precise impact of sending out mailers.

  • Control group received nothing.

  • Test group received these tailor made Post Cards (personalized for every customer).

Seemless Results





Incremental ROAS

Incremental ROAS

Incremental ROAS

Incremental ROAS





Conversion Uplift

Conversion Uplift

Conversion Uplift

Conversion Uplift

Using Paper Run's A/B testing product, Proper Cloth were able to see the incremental impact that Direct Mail automation would have to winning back their churned customers who they can't reach with email or paid social.

Our favourite part about this flow? Many of the customers who we converted are now back shopping as regular Proper Cloth customers again!

Try Direct Mail Automation with Zero Risk

We make our fees fully refundable during your 60 day trial. To give you time to make sure you're happy with Paper Run.

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Trusted by the best

Automate Direct Mail to customers who you can't reach

Copyright © 2024 Paper Run. All Rights Reserved

Automate Direct Mail to customers who you can't reach

Copyright © 2024 Paper Run. All Rights Reserved

Automate Direct Mail to customers who you can't reach

Copyright © 2024 Paper Run. All Rights Reserved