Out of this world: Spacegoods 4.7X ROAS with Paper Run

Out of this world: Spacegoods 4.7X ROAS with Paper Run

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Spacegoods uses automated Direct Mail flows to winback cancelled subscribers

Spacegoods uses automated Direct Mail flows to winback cancelled subscribers

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Who are Spacegoods?

Matt Kelly started Spacegoods with a simple mission: to create a product that would help people feel and perform their best every day. Matt had experienced the high levels of anxiety that come with drinking way too much coffee and thought there must be a better way to reach that true "flow state" - focus, energy & calm.

Since launching in 2022, Spacegoods' Rainbow Dust product has taken the market by storm - helping people reconnect with their most creative selves and optimising their minds to do great things.

Giving direct mail another "shot"

Spacegoods had tried the Direct Mail channel previously with limited success - they saw high cannibalisation of other channels and found measurement next to impossible… but when they saw the results that Paper Run had achieved with brands like Encha, ELEAT and Presscription - they wanted to find out more.

Direct Mail "Flow state"

By using Paper Run's Klaviyo and SKIO integrations - Spacegoods were able to setup automated flows to send personalized Direct Mail to customers who were "Unreachable". These were customers who weren't opening emails or SMS messages, so Spacegoods had no way of contacting them.

Every day, Paper Run is prints and delivers beautifully-designed, hyper-personalized mail for Spacegoods; to those customers who have either Cancelled Subscriptions and Abandoned Checkout. Once Spacegoods set up Paper Run, everything was automated, identifying the right customers, at the right time.

Out of this world results







Conversion rate

Conversion rate

Spacegoods have seen huge success by adding Paper Run to their marketing stack. Paper Run helps them reach customers who'd otherwise never hear from them again and are converting over 5% of those customers' Abandoned Carts. The result is >4X ROAS with automated flows that the Spacegoods team simply check once a month. Light work, heavy returns!

"We'd tried Direct Mail previously and had never seen anything come of it - and then decided give Paper Run a shot. The Paper Run team took care of the entire setup for us and the results have been great. It's an absolute no brainer for DTC brands"

"We'd tried Direct Mail previously and had never seen anything come of it - and then decided give Paper Run a shot. The Paper Run team took care of the entire setup for us and the results have been great. It's an absolute no brainer for DTC brands"

Matthew Kelly

Founder, Spacegoods

Try Direct Mail Automation with Zero Risk

We make our fees fully refundable during your 60 day trial. To give you time to make sure you're happy with Paper Run.

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Trusted by the best

Automate Direct Mail to customers who you can't reach

Copyright © 2024 Paper Run. All Rights Reserved

Automate Direct Mail to customers who you can't reach

Copyright © 2024 Paper Run. All Rights Reserved

Automate Direct Mail to customers who you can't reach

Copyright © 2024 Paper Run. All Rights Reserved